Information Technology of Laser Coagulation Strategy Selection in Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment


Shirokanev Alexander1, 2, Kibitkina Alena2, Ilyasova Nataly1, 2 and Zamyckij Evgeny3, 1IPSI RAS - branch of the FSRC, Russia, 2Samara National Research University, Russia and 3Samara State Medical University, Russia


Diabetic retinopathy is frequent, the most dangerous fundus disease. Diabetic retinopathy can result in many serious diseases. For various reasons, patients lose vision in untimely or incorrect treatment of diabetic retinopathy. The current method of treating diabetic retinopathy is laser coagulation. The ophthalmologist decides which zones need to be shelled to reduce edema based on his experience. Laser radiation parameters and distance between laser shots are also selected based on the experience of previous operations. However, the accuracy of the selection of these parameters can affect the result of treatment. Achieving high accuracy is empirical difficult. The present paper proposes a technology for selecting an effective laser coagulation strategy consisting in application of a genetic efficiency optimization algorithm based on solving of the problems of mathematical simulation of laser burns. Technology solves the problem of choosing accurate laser coagulation parameters.


Diabetic retinopathy, laser coagulation, ocular fundus, information technology, mathematical modeling, thermal conductivity equation.

Full Text  Volume 10, Number 4