AI for Doctors(Medibot): A Zero Code Solution for Efficient Medical Data Analysis using Artificial Intelligence


Zachary Liang1 and Yu Sun2, 1USA, 2Computer Science Department, California State Polytechnic University, USA


The efficient analysis of medical data is a critical challenge faced by doctors, who often have the knowledge of what medical information they need to analyze, but lack the proper coding knowledge to create a program that can accomplish what they need [1]. This paper presents Medibot, a zero code solution that enables doctors to use artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze medical data efficiently [2]. Medibot is designed to be intuitive for the user, requiring no prior coding knowledge or experience. The program leverages advanced machine learning algorithms and image analysis techniques to analyze medical data and provide insights and recommendations to the user [3]. Medibot can be used for a variety of medical applications, including the diagnosis of medical conditions and the analysis of patient data. The paper also presents the results of a pilot study conducted with doctors using Medibot, which demonstrated its effectiveness in improving the efficiency and accuracy of medical data analysis. Overall, Medibot represents a promising solution for improving healthcare outcomes through the use of AI and data analytics [4].


Medical, Data analysis, Artificial Intelligence

Full Text  Volume 13, Number 11