An Effective Sensor Network System for Early Wildfire Detection: Empowering Communities using Advanced Technologies


William Liang1 and Jonathan Sahagun2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University,


This project focuses on the development of an affordable and accessible solution for early wildfire detection in order to help empower individuals and communities with the ability to proactively detect fire sources[1]. By leveraging a network of sensors spread across a wide area, wildfires are able to be easily discovered by the network and relevant stakeholders are alerted to the threat[2]. Advanced algorithms analyze environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and wind speed to enhance the accuracy and timeliness of wildfire detection [3]. By addressing the limitations of existing methodologies, this project contributes to improving wildfire prevention and mitigation efforts [4]. Through cost-effective technology and widespread implementation, it aims to create safer and more resilient communities in the face of the increasing threat of wildfires [5].


Wildfire Detection, Sensor Network, Environmental monitoring, Algorithms.

Full Text  Volume 13, Number 15