A Mobile App for Tracking Psychological Mood Changes and Providing E-Therapy using Natural Language Processing and GPT-3


Xianghao Zhang1 and Austin Amakye Ansah2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


Five percent of individuals aged 18 and over reported regularly having feelings of depression in 2022 [6].The app developed uses Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) to analyze sentiment values and provide appropriate human-like responses much like speaking to a therapist [7]. The application provides the user with a means of journaling and analyzing their psychological fluctuations daily. An application of this is finding a cause for negative mood changes through frequent journaling and mood check ins. The evaluation of the app shows that it is good enough for journaling and basic AI interaction with respect to mental health guidance. In the end, we delivered a ready to use journaling app with GPT integration included to provide an experience akin to speaking to a real therapist.


Gpt, Mental Health, AI, Natural Language Processing

Full Text  Volume 13, Number 19