Development and Implementation of a Smart Pillbox System: Integrating ESP, Flask Server, and Flutterflow App for Enhanced Medication Adherence


Warren Zhang1 and Soroush Mirzaee2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


The issue I am aiming to solve is the timely intake of medication by individuals, which is crucial for their health and well-being [1]. I believe that the best way to solve such a problem is to create a device and app to remind the user to consume their pills at a time that they schedule. The different technologies and components of my project are the physical pillbox, ESP, flask server, and app. The ESP is a small computer with a screen that is placed inside the pillbox which has different functions such as pill reminder, which the user sets in how many hours they want to take their pill, pill count, where the user sets the number of each pill that they have to the corresponding pill [2]. The app was made through Flutter Flow and has a lot of different functionalities such as the creation of a pill schedule for each one of the user's pills, a history page which displays the times and the pills that the user has consumed and has different unique functions in the settings page [3]. The flask server is being hosted through render and in the server it registers the user's ID in the app to an ESP after the user has scanned the QR code that is displayed on the ESP, therefore, the information of the ESP and app are being shared [4]. There were a lot of technical difficulties in creating the pill schedule as it was an overall tedious process that involved multiple steps and functions. This problem was fixed by spending a lot of time working on it. It was also difficult to get the 3d printed pillbox to perfection as the ESP requires specific modeling in order to fit which required more than 20 prints of the pillbox. Overall, my product may not be flawless, but it covers all potential problems and human error that may occur.


Hardware, FlutterFlow, Server, Medicine

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 14