Lightweight Dataset for Decoy Development to Improve IoT Security


David Weissman and Anura P. Jayasumana, Colorado State University, USA


In this paper, the authors introduce a lightweight dataset to interpret IoT (Internet of Things) activity in preparation to create decoys by replicating known data traffic patterns. The dataset comprises different scenarios in a real network setting. This paper also surveys information related to other IoT datasets along with the characteristics that make our data valuable. Many of the datasets available are synthesized (simulated) or often address industrial applications, while the IoT dataset we present is based on likely smart home scenarios. Further, there are only a limited number of IoT datasets that contain both normal operation and attack scenarios. A discussion of the network configuration and the steps taken to prepare this dataset are presented as we prepare to create replicative patterns for decoy purposes. The dataset, which we refer to as IoT Flex Data, consists of four categories, namely, IoT benign idle, IoT benign active, IoT setup, and malicious (attack) traffic associating the IoT devices with the scenarios under consideration.


IoT Security, Device Decoys, Network Traffic Replication, IoT Datasets, Deception

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 14