A Smart Medications Recording and Medical Progress Tracking Mobile Platform using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


Yujia Mao1 and Khoa Tran2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


This application aims to provide users comprehensive information about different medications through a user-friendly and straightforward interface. The journey begins with a splash screen, followed by a login screen. Users can access detailed drug information, including names, images, and uses upon logging in. New users can sign up via Firebase Authentication. The application features an AI that analyzes user behavior and common medication usage patterns using TensorFlow and Python. The AI detects drug labels, saving the data on a server through Cloud Firebase for easy access. The app has also been tested and highlighted the app's effectiveness in providing accurate drug information and timely notifications across continents, with Asia (77%), Europe (82%), and the Americas (79%) in detecting drug information from pictures, with 99% with timely notifications. For this application, we took data reliability, usability, and AI accuracy into consideration. The application required ample reliable data, a user-friendly interface, and an accurate and precise AI.


AI, Medications tracking, Flutter, Medical information

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 14