Logan Z. Chang1 and Anthony Ovando2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA
I found my project on addressing fears of public speaking, a problem presents for many students and even adults. My program uses VR technology so users can record themselves giving a presentation in a classroom [1]. The program transcribes and grades with the use of ai. The first important system is the whisper ai feature, which uses ai to convert the user's speech into text [2]. Next, the chatbot grading feature analyses the transcript to output a letter grade and additional feedback. Finally, the overall integration of VR allows users to interact, boosting the app's realism. This feature tackled a huge design challenge to make the application more realistic and enjoyable. In my experiment, ten presentations of varying levels were presented and graded. Most of the output fell within one letter grade of the prediction, signifying accuracy. To conclude, my solution assesses performance, allowing people to communicate effectively and boost confidence.
Public Speaking Anxiety, AI Speech Transcription, VR-Based Presentation Training, Automated Performance Assessment