Topic Based Analysis of Text Corpora


Madhumita Gupta and Sreya Guha, Palo Alto, USA


We present a framework that combines machine learnt classifiers and taxonomies of topics to enable a more conceptual analysis of a corpus than can be accomplished using Vector Space Models and Latent Dirichlet Allocation based topic models which represent documents purely in terms of words. Given a corpus and a taxonomy of topics, we learn a classifier per topic and annotate each document with the topics covered by it. The distribution of topics in the corpus can then be visualized as a function of the attributes of the documents. We apply this framework to the US State of the Union and presidential election speeches to observe how topics such as jobs and employment have evolved from being relatively unimportant to being the most discussed topic. We show that our framework is better than Vector Space Models and an Latent Dirichlet Allocation based topic model for performing certain kinds of analysis.


Text Analysis, Machine Learning, Classification

Full Text  Volume 6, Number 14