Using NLP Approach for Analyzing Customer Reviews


Saleem Abuleil and Khalid Alsamara, Chicago State University, USA


The Web considers one of the main sources of customer opinions and reviews which they are represented in two formats; structured data (numeric ratings) and unstructured data (textual comments). Millions of textual comments about goods and services are posted on the web by customers and every day thousands are added, make it a big challenge to read and understand them to make them a useful structured data for customers and decision makers. Sentiment analysis or Opinion mining is a popular technique for summarizing and analyzing those opinions and reviews. In this paper, we use natural language processing techniques to generate some rules to help us understand customer opinions and reviews (textual comments) written in the Arabic language for the purpose of understanding each one of them and then convert them to a structured data. We use adjectives as a key point to highlight important information in the text then we work around them to tag attributes that describe the subject of the reviews, and we associate them with their values (adjectives).


Sentiment Analysis, NLP Arabic Language

Full Text  Volume 7, Number 1