A Secured Image Communication With Dual Encryption and Reversible Watermarking


Surya Boppanaa, William Kane and Long Ma, Troy University, USA


Secured communication is the optimal means of exchanging information without the risk of data leakage. Data encryption serves as a crucial method for safeguarding and fortifying sensitive information. This paper introduces a groundbreaking approach known as reversible information concealment, specifically designed for digital images. It employs an integer-to-integer wavelet transformation alongside a companding process to embed and retrieve confidential data, restoring the image to its pristine state. Furthermore, the paper explores the utilization of genetic operators in cryptography. Given the prevalence of general information tampering within networks, it becomes imperative to protect messages during transmission. To address this concern, the paper proposes a novel encryption technique leveraging genetic operators such as crossover and mutation. This method ensures message confidentiality during the transmission process, contributing to an enhanced and more secure environment. The overarching goal is to establish a robust security framework through the integration of encryption and digital image watermarking for discreet data concealment within images.


Genetic Algorithm, Cryptography, Adaptive Thresholding, Companding Technique, Integer Wavelet Transform, Reversible Watermarking work Protocols

Full Text  Volume 13, Number 24